Fuzzy Cuteness
by Cheryl Baxter
Fuzzy Cuteness
Cheryl Baxter
Photograph - Photography
A familiar and widespread goose with a black head and neck, white chinstrap, light tan to cream breast and brown back. Has increased in urban and suburban areas in recent years; just a decade or two after people intentionally introduced or reintroduced “giant” Canada Geese to various areas, they are often considered pests.
June 10th, 2013
Comments (7)
Linda Phelps
I read somewhere that God designed babies so we would love them. This image fits well with that comment. This is such a cute baby, I am sure it's Mother loves it. I love your thigt in composition and attention to the details. Nice to have a catch light in the eye.
Cheryl Baxter replied:
Thank you so much Linda! :) I have to say I think you are right!! And thanks for the detailed compliment!