Pumpkin Delight
by Cheryl Baxter
Pumpkin Delight
Cheryl Baxter
Photograph - Photography
My homemade pumpkin pie.
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October 20th, 2012
Comments (65)
Lingfai Leung
Every time I passed by the "Activity" section and looking at this piece of pumpkin pie, my temptation of getting a piece is so strong that I am thinking who says this phrase: "It is easy as a pie"?! If I cannot vote again, I will post in Facebook to have friend share this "Hungry" feeling.
Cheryl Baxter replied:
Too funny Lingfai!! Thank you so much! I hope you get a piece of Pumpkin Pie and SOON!
Nava Jo Thompson
I agree with Lingfai---Cheryl---looks like you may have to bake several more pies for the rest of us---we are all in agreement! :)
Lingfai Leung
Yes, Nava Jo.. um, I hope I can use that fork and have my own taste test. How can you resist Pumpkin pie with cream?