Purr Purr Purr
by Cheryl Baxter
Purr Purr Purr
Cheryl Baxter
Photograph - Photography
This is my cat, having a really good CAT NAP...I had a photoshoot with him unawares.... this is the first of a series of shots. Please enjoy!
This is my cat Jay Walker. He was rescued in June 2012 off a busy road at the young age of 6 weeks. He truly makes our life INTERESTING June 8-2012- my dearest eldest daughter brought home a kitten! :) She was counting Jay-Walkers...(people who cross the street illegally)--she is normally a traffic counter for the city, anyhow..She witnessed a teeny kitty about to cross a busy street in Orleans.. Innes Road----and a young man from the bus stop picked it up, the bus wouldn't let him on with the kitten so he put it down in the bus shelter. Amanda ran to pick it up and then proceeded to bring him home. We named him Jay Walker and he will be our new barn cat. UPDATE*****Not a barn cat! :) House cat all the way!
July 16th, 2013